Reflection #2 : Chapters 1 and 13
PROMPTS: 1. What information surprised you or was new to you in this chapter? Hows does this information connect to info in the main course text? 2. What information do you agree with and why? What info do you disagree with and why? 3. Describe an experience you have had that relates to the information in this reading. 4. How can you use this information in your personal or work/school life? 5. Rate this chapter on a scale of 1 to 5 and explain your rating (1 = low and 5 = high). Chapter 1 The information in the first chapter [1] was neither new nor surprising to me. I have heard what seem like near-constant complaints about Common Core standards and grade-level expectations imposed by out-of-touch bureaucrats with little expertise and experience with children or education. The main course text discussed the various stages of development that children pass through, and Chapter 1 touches on that same concept [2]. School standards attempt to rope children into set, numbered stages, not u...