Reflection #5: Chapter 5
1. What information surprised you or was new to you in this chapter? How does this information connect to info in the main course text? 2. What information do you agree with and why? What info do you disagree with and why? 3. Describe an experience you have had that relates to the information in this reading. 4. How can you use this information in your personal or work/school life? 5. Rate this chapter on a scale of 1 to 5 and explain your rating (1 = low and 5 = high). Chapter 5: When Did a Hug Become a Bad Thing? I was not surprised to read about the benefits of physical contact. What did surprise me was the statement that it is men who actually tend to provide the most touch because of the way they interact and play with children (Pica, 2015, p. 26). Our societal biases generally indicate that it is women who touch more because they are perceived as more nurturing. The main text supports the importance of touch in infants, stating that, "The infant's need for physical clo...